"Our company enthusiastically engages in many communal events and sponsors causes that are deeply entwined with the hearts of the local residents."
Mr. Yi is a Senior Project Manager and well versed in conventional design projects and support services contracts. His career has centered on designing and managing FDOT highway projects. During this, his primary focus has been as a Design Project Manager/Engineer having been directly involved in several design projects for the Department over the last 16 years and managed 2 District-Wide miscellaneous design services contracts.
On many of the projects, he has been the Design Project Manager for District IV and VI, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, and Miami-Dade County. His abilities encompass a broad range of skills ranging from roadway geometric design to the development of an effective traffic control plan. His projects include urban curb and gutter roadways, rural highways with flush shoulders, and limited access facilities.
Bachelor of Science
Civil Engineering, 1997
Graduated Magna Cum Laude; National Dean’s List
Florida International University
Miami, FL
2002, Florida Professional Engineer No. 58820